News — weighted lap blanket


Why Does a Weighted Blanket Work?

Posted by Alex Gelfand on

Why Does a Weighted Blanket Work?

It doesn’t take too long to get a feel for why a calming weighted blanket is so relaxing. Just wrap yourself up in a weighted blanket for a few minutes, and you’ll likely feel a sense of calm seep in. Weighted therapy blankets are a great way to help with concerns like anxiety, insomnia, sensory processing disorder, and more. For most who use a weighted therapy blanket regularly, they agree that it does work — but do you know why? If you’re interested in grabbing a calming weighted blanket for yourself, here’s what you need to know about why they...

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What Can Weighted Blankets Help With?

Posted by Alex Gelfand on

What Can Weighted Blankets Help With?

Who doesn't want to sleep well? When it comes to getting a good night’s sleep, there are countless options out there that promise to help you sleep better. We all want to get deep, restful sleep every night, but that's not the reality for most Americans. You may have seen published support for everything from natural remedies like warm milk and melatonin supplements to new mattresses, sleeping pills, and so much more. It can be surprisingly difficult to figure out which sleep remedies are actually helpful and which are just sales pitches — and then you have to figure out...

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